Helping you achieve a healthy lifestyle through movement and nutrition

How Money From Corporate Donors Dictates Nutrition Policy and Research

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is the largest organized group of nutrition professionals in the United States. They oversee the registration and continuing education of Registered Dietitians. However, recent documents have revealed they accept large sums of money from corporate donors like Pepsi, Nestle, and the National Dairy Council. If the AND and Dietitians as a whole are supposed to promote nutrition to better serve individuals and communities, shouldn’t they be denouncing these kind of companies instead of accepting money and research from them? Is this ethical? I give my thoughts on this and more in this video.


How to Easily Plan Your Meals


In this video I go over a handout from Precision Nutrition on the whiteboard. The handout is “Create The Perfect Meal” and it can be found here:…

It’s an awesome tool to easily make a healthy meal. It includes various options from each food category, including leans proteins, vegetables, carbohydrate sources, and fats. Basically you make sure you have one of each category at every meal. How much of each one you may ask? Luckily portion sizes are included as well!

Hopefully this helps make the process easy for you and gives you one less thing to worry about in the crazy world we live in.

Since most of the world is on lock down, let’s try to get better at meal planning and fitness and come out of this even healthier than before!

If you have any questions feel free to comment or message me.

Nutrition to Fuel Your Workouts

Make sure you are giving your body what it needs to perform at its best during workouts.


In summary, eat 1-3 hours before your workout. You’ll have to see where in that range works best for you. Have something higher in carbs with some protein. Try to stay away from fatty foods; these take longer to digest and will leave you feeling sluggish.


Try to eat sometime within an hour after you finish your workout. Whole foods and a complete meal are best but a protein shake or some other quick combination of protein and carbs works well too.


Do you have a favorite preworkout or postworkout food or meal? Let me know if you do!